3 Tips for grooming your dog

Do you have a pet or an emotional support animal? Is it a cat or a dog?

Well, it doesn’t matter. The important thing is that your pet or your ESA keeps you happy by helping you with depression and stress. 

While your emotional support animal assists you in almost every task, you are responsible for keeping your animal clean and tidy. When I chose Leo as my emotional support animal, I was really happy. Leo used to go everywhere with me whether it was running, shopping or on vacations.

One thing you need to keep in mind is that dogs usually have thick fur which attracts a lot of dirt. You have to keep your house and your animal clean. Groom your dog regularly to keep your pet as well as your house tidy.

Here are 3 basic tips I followed that really helped me keep Leo well-groomed and neat.

1.   Bathing Your Dog

Bathing your dog regularly is an important aspect of pet care. Some breeds have a thick coat. Dogs don’t stay in one place. They love to play and run. The backyard of my house was Leo’s favorite spot as well.

That is why their fur coat becomes dirty in no time. It is necessary to give them a bath to get rid of the dirt and unpleasant odor because of the accumulated dirt.

It’s not necessary that you have to give a bath to your pet every second day. When you feel like they need a clean fur, bath your pet.

If you bathe your dog too frequently, then this can dry out your dog’s skin and the hair coat.

2.  Grooming Your Dog

After bathing your dog, it is necessary to brush your dog’s hair. By brushing your dog’s hair, you can remove all the loose hair and knots

Another advantage of brushing your dog’s hair regularly is that this way you will slide off the excess dirt on their coat. This will reduce the frequency of baths and you won’t have to worry about giving a bath to your dog every second day.

When you will brush your dog’s hair, you will see that they look really shiny. Do you know the reason behind it? Brushing evenly distributes the natural oils over the entire coat. This will keep your dog’s hair healthy and beautiful.

3.   Trim the Hair and Nails Regularly

Along with bathing and brushing your pet, another aspect of pet care involves trimming. Some dogs with a lot of hair require constant hair trimming from time to time.

You can take your pet or ESA to a vet clinic for trimming their hair and nails.

I wanted to take care of my ESA myself instead of taking it to a vet clinic. I took some advice from a vet clinic regarding grooming my dog safely.

If you are thinking of doing the same, here is a tip for you.

· Never point the scissors directly towards your dog. It might scare your pet. 

· Reward your pet or ESA with a treat to encourage positive behavior.

Your pet or ESA does a lot for you. This is your turn to pay them back with something they love. 

If you looking for an ESA you must read out an emotional support dog letter sample available online in order to have your issues compatible with your mental disorder.

Is Emotional Support Animal Different From Service Animal?

Don’t confuse an ESA dog with a service dog. Assistance animals are given special training according to the disabilities of the person.

A person who is visually impaired or blind can use a service dog to guide him while walking. Similarly, a person who is deaf or his hearing is impaired, he can use a signal dog for his help.

Just like an ESA, you don’t need a service dog registration. All the assistance dogs with service dog certifications are registered in the animal registry. Keep your dog certification along when you are traveling with your service animal.

The purpose of keeping an emotional support dog is to relieve stress. They don’t have to be individually trained for this. Their presence is what matters. That is the reason why there are laws made so that an ESA can accompany his owner everywhere he goes. Top acquire an esa you must have a legitimate emotional support animal letter.

Your ESA Dog Is Your Responsibility

Your ESA is there to support you at every step of the way. It is your responsibility to take care of them.

What can make your furry friend happy? Some treats, pet food, some toys and most of all, your affection and attention. In case you want to own an esa as your home companion so that it can participate in your daily life tasks get an esa letter for housing today.

After everything they do for you, they deserve some love and special treatment. Spend time with your companion animal. It is a win-win situation.

Do you want to certify your dog as an ESA? Get your ESA letter and enjoy the perks it offers.